Natural Gas News – April 25, 2019
Natural Gas News – April 25, 2019
Pipeline Closure Will Force Southern Utah Company to Flare Its Natural Gas, Costing It Revenue and Polluting The Air
The Salt Lake Tribune reported: Across Utah, many oil wells produce natural gas that can’t get to market because the infrastructure is not in place to gather it. This so-called “residue” gas is often flared or vented into the atmosphere, thus wasting a valuable resource, erasing tax revenue for rural areas and polluting the air. To curtail such waste, Fidelity Exploration and Production Co. laid miles of pipe across Big Flat, a recreation hot spot outside Utah’s Dead Horse Point State Park in 2014, and built the Blue Hills gas processing plant near the Canyonlands Field airport. The project cost the company up to $70 million and left an extensive industrial footprint on public lands used for mountain biking and camping. At least the flaring stopped at the many wellheads, now operated by Fidelity’s successor, Kirkwood Oil & Gas, in Grand County’s most productive oil field. For more on this story visit sltrib.com or click https://bit.ly/2VqW9Rp
The Endgame In European Natural Gas
Oil Price reported: The construction of Nord Stream 2 is nearing its logical conclusion – a grand standoff, in the first move of which the Council of the European Union adopted the amended EU Gas Directive. Brussels never really hid the fact that its only detectable target was to get pipelines which are constructed, owned and filled by Gazprom under its control. Thus came about the “gas triad” which will regulate Russian gas supplies to Europe from now on – the unbundling of transportation from supply, full predictability and transparency of pipeline tariffs and provision of third-party access. As of today, the contours of the future modus operandi are getting increasingly discernible, so we will try to disentangle some of the most complicated (and often incorrectly defined) issues surrounding Nord Stream 2. For more on this story visit oilprice.com or click https://bit.ly/2VouPDq
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