5 Tips to Stay Ahead of Hurricane Season and Safeguard Operations

By Published On: August 14, 2023Categories: Daily Market News & Insights, Storm Season

Summer is in full swing, bringing with it not only soaring temperatures but also the risk of storms and disruptions to fuel supplies. Companies operating in hurricane -prone regions must remain vigilant and well-prepared to safeguard their operations, employees, and assets.

Hurricanes can impact supply chains, leading to fuel shortages and transportation challenges. Traffic, road closures, and long lines at fuel terminals can tie up scarce trucking assets, hindering fuel delivery to critical locations.

However, with the right preparation, it is possible to minimize risks and ensure continuity, especially for businesses reliant on a steady supply of fuel. In today’s article, we are listing five essential tips to help your business stay prepared for the hurricane season:

  1. Have an Emergency Plan

To address possible issues caused by a hurricane, organizations must develop comprehensive emergency fuel supply plans that prevent them from running out of fuel, avoid fuel contamination and ensure fuel integrity in their storage tanks. Best practices include knowing when to order top-offs before the storm and meeting with fuel providers to discuss strategies and cost structures.

The plan should also focus on business continuity, securing and restoring fuel access, and prioritizing fuel delivery for critical operations, with protocols for alternative fuel sources and transportation options. If your business has a variety of alternative or sustainable fuels, also consider what backup supplies you may need.

  1. Prioritize Essential Services

Identify and prioritize essential services within your organization that require uninterrupted fuel supply during emergencies like a hurricane. This could include emergency responders, healthcare facilities, critical infrastructure, and support services. Designate a pecking order for fuel distribution to ensure these services receive fuel first.

  1. Assess Supply and Delivery Points

Review your current fuel supply chain and identify potential vulnerabilities. Understand where your fuel comes from and have backup supply points in case local terminals are damaged or closed. Evaluate the efficiency of your delivery assets and ensure you have plans in place to maintain their utilization during a hurricane.

  1. Collaborate with Partners

Work closely with your fuel provider and other partners to align strategies and ensure efficient operations during emergencies. Regularly communicate with them about your requirements and expectations. Collaborate to address potential fuel shortages, delays, and other challenges that might arise.

  1. Implement Site-Level Checklists

Develop site-level checklists for your locations to ensure preparedness and quick response during emergencies. Include tasks such as verifying fuel tank levels, maintaining generators, and testing fuel for contamination. Distribute these checklists to site managers and ensure they are well-prepared to execute emergency fueling procedures.

Being prepared is the key to effectively safeguarding operations, protecting employees, and maintaining continuity, even in the face of potential fuel supply disruptions caused by hurricanes. Stay proactive, informed, and prioritize safety to ensure your company weathers the storm successfully and continues to provide essential services to your customers and community.

Not sure how to implement your Emergency Plan? Talk to the experts!

Mansfield Energy, North America’s leading fuel distributor, brings a wealth of expertise to the table in creating a robust emergency response program tailored to your company’s needs. With an extensive network servicing the US and Canada, Mansfield understands the critical importance of proactive measures in facing potential disruptions caused by hurricanes. Leveraging their in-depth knowledge, Mansfield has developed a comprehensive Emergency Response Fuel program that encompasses industry best practices. Mansfield’s program offers a multi-tiered approach, prioritizing essential services and collaborating closely with partners to ensure seamless fuel distribution during emergencies. Contact us today!

This article is part of Daily Market News & Insights

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