5 Types of Fuel Additives that May Help Your Fleet

By Published On: April 10, 2023Categories: Daily Market News & Insights

When was the last time you thought about what goes on in your fuel tank? It might not seem relevant, but your fuel choice can significantly impact your vehicle’s performance. Believe it or not, sometimes it can even be the source of major problems with your engine. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to the quality of the fuel you’re using and how you can make it work better. Fuel additives can be a helpful part of the equation for fleet owners and operators looking to enhance the quality and capabilities of their fuel. But with so many types and options out there, choosing the right one to address your unique requirements can be challenging.

In today’s article, we’ll cover fuel additives, the types available, and what they do for your vehicles.

What Are Fuel Additives?

Additives are chemical compounds added to diesel to improve performance and efficiency. The benefits can vary widely depending on the type of additive you choose. Some act as performance enhancers, improving the functioning of your fuel by cleaning out your system. Others keep fuel intact and prevent adverse long-term effects, such as corrosion. Check out some options available:

Stabilizers – Diesel stabilizers keep your fuel in good condition while being stored for long periods. They help prevent the fuel from breaking down and oxidizing, which can lead to costly engine issues. Stabilizers are especially important for generators and other scenarios where fuel sits unused for long periods.

Cetane Booster – Cetane boosters are fuel additives designed to raise the fuel’s Cetane number, enhancing the fuel’s ignition quality and leading to a quicker and more efficient burn. A higher cetane number results in smoother and quieter engine operation, faster engine starts, increased power, and better fuel economy.

Anti-Gelling – Anti-gelling fuel additives, also called cold-flow additives or winter diesel additives, prevent fuel gelling during the winter. Cold temperatures cause paraffin wax particles to crystallize, resulting in clogged lines and filters. Winter additives lower the CFPP of diesel, so particles don’t glom together and clog up the engine.

Detergents – Detergents help prevent the formation of deposits in the engine by cleaning fuel injectors, carburetors, and intake valves. Deposits can result in reduced horsepower, low fuel efficiency, poor idling, and increased emissions. Detergents won’t increase your fuel efficiency, but they can restore and maintain it when engines are impacted by dirty deposits.

Biocides – Biocides kill bacteria and other microorganisms – such as bugs, algae, bacteria, yeast, molds, and fungi – that can grow in diesel fuel, clog filters, and damage fuel systems. If your area experiences high humidity or flooding, or if your tank has not been well-maintained in the past, it may be worth introducing biocides to kill microbes and flush harmful materials out of your tank.

As you see, fuel additives can be very beneficial for engines. Of course, it’s important to start with a clean tank to make sure the additives work; introducing fuel additives to dirty fuel may cancel out its effects or even cause adverse reactions. By using additives, fleet owners and drivers can potentially lower expenses, increase the lifespan of their engines, and reduce their environmental impact.

With so many fuel additives on the market, it’s important to partner with a reliable supplier and choose a reputable brand. Mansfield Energy is a trusted supplier of Arsenal Additives, with a team of experts always ready to assist you in selecting the best option to fit your needs. Don’t hesitate to contact Mansfield’s additive experts today.

This article is part of Daily Market News & Insights

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