Nat Gas News – October 26, 2017
Nat Gas News – October 26, 2017
Note: Due to a change in ICE’s policy regarding the distribution of data, starting November 1st, the Mansfield Natural Gas Newsletter will no longer provide the Physical Spot Natural Gas Price map typically found on page (2) two. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. The Spot Price map will be the only aspect of the NGN that will change and our commitment to serve accurate and relevant Natural Gas News will continue. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@mansfieldoil.com with any questions.
TransCanada Selling Ontario Solar Projects for $540 Million to Fund Natural Gas Pipeline Work
JWN reported: TransCanada says it will sell its Ontario solar portfolio to investment management firm Axium Infrastructure for approximately $540 million. The asset package is comprised of eight facilities with total generating capacity of 76 megawatts. The proceeds from the sale will help fund TransCanada’s $24 billion near-term capital program, CEO Russ Girling said in a statement. The capital program includes expansions to its natural gas pipeline system in Canada, the US and Mexico, as well as smaller oil transmission projects within Alberta, development of the proposed Napanee generating station in Ontario and investment in life extension of Bruce Power assets. The sale to Axium is expected to close by the end of 2017. For more visit jwnenergy.com or click http://bit.ly/2liA5aE
‘First of It’s Kind’ New Computer Data Center Powered by Natural Gas Opens in Seattle
The KOMONEWS reported: SEATTLE – A small revolution is taking place in an ordinary warehouse in Seattle’s SODO district. Cloud computing lets us store photos, stream movies and use applications or view websites. But, all that data sits somewhere, typically in large data centers with thousands of servers in an enormous, air conditioned building that uses an enormous amount of electricity. On Wednesday, three companies, Cummins, McKinstry and Microsoft unveiled their new Advanced Energy Lab – and with it, a pilot project that runs a 20-rack data center on natural gas instead electricity. Data centers connected to the electrical grid receive power sometimes generated hundreds of miles away. There’s a natural loss of energy in the transmission of that power. The Advanced Energy Lab design uses natural gas-powered fuel cells at the lab – which should remove the energy losses that result in the transmission of electricity. For more visit komonews.com or click http://bit.ly/2iABfO0
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