Nat Gas News – September 14, 2017
Nat Gas News – September 14, 2017
Hurricane Irma’s Wrath Weighs On Natural Gas
OilPrice reports: Hurricane Irma has left millions of people without power in Florida, a critical situation that could take a painfully long period of time to sort out. Estimates vary, but some 9 million people lost power during Hurricane Irma, accord-ing to the CEO of Florida Power & Light, the state’s largest utility. As of Monday, an additional 1 million people lost power in Georgia and South Carolina as the remains of Irma moved north. Florida Power & Light has already begun restoring power, but as of Monday, there were more than 3.6 million customers still offline. “The effort is to see how fast we can get back online.” said Christine Tezak, managing director at ClearView Energy Partners. She also argued that Florida’s multi-billion-dollar investments to harden the electricity grid over the past decade—investments made in light of a previous round of destructive hurricanes in the mid- 2000s—have paid off. For example, rather than having to put in new wooden poles for power lines destroyed during a hurricane, Florida’s utilities, will simply have to restring power lines to the new and stronger concrete pillars they have installed in many areas. For more on this story visit oilprice.com or click the following link http://bit.ly/2f8vKVn
Out-of-Control Alberta Wildfire Shuts In Natural Gas Production
Reuters reports: Junior Canadian oil and gas producer Questfire Energy Corp has shut in 900 barrels of oil equivalent per day of mostly natural gas production because of a wildfire in southern Alberta, its chief executive said on Wednesday. The company joins other gas producers that shut operations as the Kenow fire raced through and beyond Waterton National Park in the southwest corner of the province on Monday night. For more on this story visit reuters.com or click http://reut.rs/2y0Lbmo
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