Nat Gas News July 13, 2017
Agency Report Projects U.S. Natural Gas Exports Will Quadruple This Year
Morning Consult reports: A government report on Tuesday forecast U.S. liquefied natural gas exports will quadruple this year, a projection that could bolster the Trump administration’s promotion of American “energy dominance.” Gross LNG exports are expected to average 1.9 billion cubic feet per day in 2017, compared with 0.5 billion cubic feet last year, and rise to 2.8 billion cubic feet in 2018 as new LNG facilities come online, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The federal agency said the increase in exports is being driven by international demand from countries with low natural gas resources. The boost in exports is also relatively small in comparison to U.S. natural gas production, which hit 72.5 billion cubic feet last month, prompting analysts to downplay concerns about higher prices. For more on this story visit morningconsult.com or click the following link http://bit.ly/2ujFLEX
API releases 50-state analysis of natural gas benefits
Farm and Dairy reports: In 2015, natural gas supported more than 4 million jobs across the country, from production to end uses like manufacturing. That’s according to a new study, released June 27, by the American Petroleum Institute, a national trade association that represents America’s oil and natural gas industry. That number is expected to rise to 6 million jobs by 2040. The study shows that all 50 states benefit from natural gas produced domestically, including non-producing states. The study by ICF International examined the economic benefits and opportunities from the entire natural gas value chain, including the production of natural gas, its transportation and end uses like power generation and manufacturing. For more on this story visit farmanddairy.com or click the following link http://bit.ly/2uihX3t
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